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Globohomo is inherently anti-environment

You can’t be a globalist and an environmentalist at the same time

Funny enough, when I used to ask the customers if they wanted to skip a plastic bag (fr: cornette) most of the ones who *eagerly* agreed were rather right leaning. Which completely busts the "right-wingers hate the environment" stereotype open.

My crush called my cute so it's time to obsess about that for the rest of the week.

>managed to play being slightly drunk off in zoom classes as having a cold


As someone who used to "flip burgers" getting it to be done right every time especially during a massive rush, while making sure everyone is happy while getting rock bottom pay and you're probably having to work while sick is NOT an easy job.

Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle -
Un flambeau! Courons au berceau!
C'est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau.
Le Christ est né; Marie appelle!
Ah! Ah! Que la Mère est belle,
Ah! Ah! Que l'Enfant est beau!

Probably hitting up the bars after work, seeing if I can con stupid old fags into giving me free drinks and shit.
«oui, j'toé joué, mais t'aimes-tu, ne?»

Does anyone else think we should just abolish the White House Press Corps and have the Press Secretary livestream while answering superchat questions?

So this guy apparently has 4 wives.

I choose an alternate reality where he has one wife (because children) and 3 husbands.

>It's not our buisiness if you eat it or not

This is why I hate society.

For the record I have waist length hair that I almost always put up so everyone was surprised lmao

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Had my hair down for class and everyone was shocked since I had my hair up all the time for zoom classes.

Obviously the best way to get people to accept gay marriage is for lawmakers to step in and force compliance on bakers and now photographers to take part in ceremonies they're morally or religiously opposed to

@bakubased you would think with them slowly admitting how the economy is going down the drain and how they intended people to be debt slaves that people would start preparing just in case things go down the drain but 98% will be so unprepared it's not even funny.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.