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You know it's bad when the official sonic Twitter arrives to shame you

>forgot my camera was on
>entire class saw me shirtless

Teacher: it's nice to see your bright smiling faces!
Me: has my camera off and my pfp is just Bakugou eating angrily.

Me: no, I'm fine, I don't have lasting trauma at all
Also me: grabs the knife from my dresser because I heard an unusual noise.

I'm glad you think I'm funny dude, in fact my entire life is a joke.

Wait — if I'm already autistic and I get vaccinated.

Do I become more autistic or does it just cancel it out?

Can someone explain NFTs to me like I'm an idiot (because I am.)

It would be tolerable if it wasn't the same music over and over again.
Have some variety for fucks sake!

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Officially down to 1 pack of smokes a week.
I'm 18 now so I actually can smoke, and before school, my "breakfast" is just my medications, cigarettes, and a cup of strong black coffee.

I'm very disappointed when I went here and got a pie and not sex.

Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me!
I barely have a mind!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.