@matrix They found some kids in Ukraine with their hands tied together naked and raped laying on piles of dead people. It is the fucking buryats.
@Xeraser @matrix There is a significantly higher buryat population in Russia. Which is also very Jewish and gay. Kill yourself I am so sick of you retards.

@Turkleton @matrix @Xeraser at least the country is run by a Christian instead of a Hollywood Jew :peepoShrug:

@Turkleton @matrix @Xeraser still not a hollywood jew though and hates NATO so, credit where it is due.

@beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser Dude I am not defending zelensky at all. My family did not vote for him. But he is not a representative of the Ukrainian people besides the shitlibs in kyiv. It's a large country with a complex history of mainly trying to exist without Russia trying to delete it.
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix >we didn't vote for the kike! he doesn't represent us!

@lina can i get a reading from the hohol cope-o-meter?
@Turkleton @Xeraser @beardalaxy @matrix @lina Biden is nothing more than a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters and kiddy porn, he can't even represent himself in his senile state
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @lina >the "italians aren't white grift"

You've been on poast since early 2021 and you're using kike tactics? lmao
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser man, you were more fun when you were like "NOOOOOOOOO YOU'RE SUPPORTING KILLING WHITE ARYAN UKRAINIANS", cuz now you're just accusing me of what you're guilty of
@lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser I don't know what you are talking about nerd. But I do know that you are a weird socially retarded narcissistic masterbation addicted American who possibly listens to too much podcasts.
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@beardalaxy @matrix @Turkleton @lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser

>But I do know that you are a weird socially retarded narcissistic masterbation addicted American who possibly listens to too much podcasts.

thats me but I dont like podcasts. how about you marry me and I can be your retarded husband 🥺
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@beardalaxy @matrix @Turkleton @lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser hahaha if my internet goes out you should take care of me. haha we could kiss by the campfire
@Xeraser @Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @lina That's not a cope. None of us in the west are represented by our governors.
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