@matrix They found some kids in Ukraine with their hands tied together naked and raped laying on piles of dead people. It is the fucking buryats.
@Xeraser @matrix There is a significantly higher buryat population in Russia. Which is also very Jewish and gay. Kill yourself I am so sick of you retards.

@Turkleton @matrix @Xeraser at least the country is run by a Christian instead of a Hollywood Jew :peepoShrug:


@Turkleton @matrix @Xeraser still not a hollywood jew though and hates NATO so, credit where it is due.

@beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser Dude I am not defending zelensky at all. My family did not vote for him. But he is not a representative of the Ukrainian people besides the shitlibs in kyiv. It's a large country with a complex history of mainly trying to exist without Russia trying to delete it.
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix >we didn't vote for the kike! he doesn't represent us!

@lina can i get a reading from the hohol cope-o-meter?
@Turkleton @Xeraser @beardalaxy @matrix @lina Biden is nothing more than a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters and kiddy porn, he can't even represent himself in his senile state
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @lina >the "italians aren't white grift"

You've been on poast since early 2021 and you're using kike tactics? lmao
@Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser man, you were more fun when you were like "NOOOOOOOOO YOU'RE SUPPORTING KILLING WHITE ARYAN UKRAINIANS", cuz now you're just accusing me of what you're guilty of
@lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser I don't know what you are talking about nerd. But I do know that you are a weird socially retarded narcissistic masterbation addicted American who possibly listens to too much podcasts.
@beardalaxy @matrix @lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Turkleton @Xeraser dont take your kids to the national parks. Im not fucking joking that is the kidnappers hunting grounds for kids. millions of people get kidnapped in the those parks or just randomly disappear.
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@lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser Why are you not defending your country ? There is a special military operation you know. You should really consider it.
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@beardalaxy @matrix @Turkleton @lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser

>But I do know that you are a weird socially retarded narcissistic masterbation addicted American who possibly listens to too much podcasts.

thats me but I dont like podcasts. how about you marry me and I can be your retarded husband 🥺
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@beardalaxy @matrix @Turkleton @lina @beardalaxy @matrix @Xeraser hahaha if my internet goes out you should take care of me. haha we could kiss by the campfire
@Xeraser @Turkleton @beardalaxy @matrix @lina That's not a cope. None of us in the west are represented by our governors.
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