Is soda so bad that I should never drink it, not even occasionally?

@realcaseyrollins Let’s visit the fact that there are people so hopelessly attached to soda that they justify “diet soda” in order to keep their vice going.

Imagine for a moment how ridiculous that is. We don’t have “diet cake” or “diet milk shakes”. Why diet soda?

@wrongthink @realcaseyrollins Honestly, it's no different than lite or menthol cigarettes. Also, given the strong link between artificial sweeteners and cancer, one can argue that diet soda is even worse for you than regular soda.

@xianc78 @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins diet soda is fucking horrible for you AND it tastes like shit, I don't know why anyone drinks that garbage

@beardalaxy @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins I think people are more addicted to the caffeine from the soda than the sugar. They want something that is somewhat close to the original taste without the sugar.

My mother is horribly addicted to Diet Coke/Pepsi. She ensured that none of her kids were soda drinkers just so we wouldn't get addicted.


@xianc78 @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins there are much better ways to get caffeine though lol I don't get it. My mom used to be heavily addicted to diet coke too. It seems like a very "mom" thing from what I've noticed.

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