Is soda so bad that I should never drink it, not even occasionally?

@realcaseyrollins Let’s visit the fact that there are people so hopelessly attached to soda that they justify “diet soda” in order to keep their vice going.

Imagine for a moment how ridiculous that is. We don’t have “diet cake” or “diet milk shakes”. Why diet soda?


@wrongthink @realcaseyrollins Honestly, it's no different than lite or menthol cigarettes. Also, given the strong link between artificial sweeteners and cancer, one can argue that diet soda is even worse for you than regular soda.

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@xianc78 @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins diet soda is fucking horrible for you AND it tastes like shit, I don't know why anyone drinks that garbage

@beardalaxy @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins I think people are more addicted to the caffeine from the soda than the sugar. They want something that is somewhat close to the original taste without the sugar.

My mother is horribly addicted to Diet Coke/Pepsi. She ensured that none of her kids were soda drinkers just so we wouldn't get addicted.

@xianc78 @wrongthink @realcaseyrollins there are much better ways to get caffeine though lol I don't get it. My mom used to be heavily addicted to diet coke too. It seems like a very "mom" thing from what I've noticed.

terry davis was drinking like 4 2.5l bottles of diet shasta cola a day, someone on /g/ did the math a while back. That's an assload of caffeine.

@PhenomX6 @wrongthink @beardalaxy @realcaseyrollins I always assumed it was some schizophrenic thing, just like the constant need for cigarettes.

@PhenomX6 @wrongthink @beardalaxy @realcaseyrollins That Vice article had this in it's "related posts".

But in all seriousness, holy shit! I knew that people drank too much soda for awhile, but I didn't realize how bad diet coke addiction really was. Maybe I don't pay attention to what other people are drinking. I always assume it was like 1-2 cans/bottles per day, not fucking 12 or a 2-liter bottle.

There’s literally nothing wrong with diet soda in normal quantities. It’s not “horrible for you” or “strongly linked to cancer” lol.
Some people can’t stand the taste of certain artificial sweeteners, but that applies to a lot of stuff. Sparkling mineral water is almost as satisfying though, just without the caffeine.
@bot @wrongthink @PhenomX6 @beardalaxy @xianc78 @book @realcaseyrollins diet coke tastes like sewage, but coke zero actually tastes like coke with zero sugar
They’re actually very similar. They both contain aspartame, but zero also uses acesulfame potassium as a sweetener.
@bot @wrongthink @PhenomX6 @beardalaxy @xianc78 @creamqueen @realcaseyrollins

I am walking to the store to get a Coca Cola™ (mexican - no corn) and I am smiling at the dark clouds and their prospect of rain when I hear the droning of the bugmen. Their petropods sputter as I step from the soil onto a scale of the Earth's concrete and asphalt shell.

I put on my hypnomask as I enter the store. By wearing it I protect myself from the bugmen. The cool breeze turns still as I cross the precipice. The air within is chill and turbid, triggering my lizard brain into fight or flight. My ape brain tells the lizard brain to be silent, and it has no choice but to obey.

I open the freezer and try not to breathe the freeon and backroom farts as I grab my Coca Cola™ (mexican - no corn.) I hear the bugman's petropod go CLUMP as the bugman slams its door, and I hurry to the counter. The niggercow on shift takes my five marks of mammon and gives me one in change. I ignore his mentally deficient greed and exit the store as the bugman enters. His perfectly sealed disposable hypnomask is impeccably cleaned, and his bugman eyes are covered with bugman glasses. He sighs with relief as he enters the controlled air.

"Praise Baiden, peace be upon him," I say to the bugman, as is customary. He presses his arm to his chest in remembrance of Jan 6 and closes his eyes in prayer, giving me just enough time to pass him and exit the store before he notices my hypnomask isn't perfectly sealed. I crack open my Coca Cola™ (mexican - no corn) on the curb and take a sip.a
Bad news, mexican coke is a psyop to get you to pay more for tacoslop, they don’t actually use sugar.
No. But yeah, they noticed during a study looking at fructose to glucose ratios in different drinks and found the mexican coke had no sucrose (sugar). They actually use hfcs.
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