If the argument is that the "right-wing darlings" (i.e. Matt Walsh, Bon Spiro, Michael Knowles) and their "anti-trans rhetoric" is what led to the murderous trans child-killer doing what they did, why does that same logic not apply to White, male mass shooters, who have explicitly stated the propaganda against White people (and White men in particular) as a reason for their "outburst" in their "manifestos"?

In that case, the list of "darlings" would be even greater, from the bottom right to the top.

If Aubrey Hale was a "victim", then so was Dylan Roof, Brenton Tarrent, Timothy McVeigh (if you're going to go with the narrative that he was a WN when he did the deed), etc... etc...


@Aldo2 applying logic to illogical beings is a waste of time

@beardalaxy it just perplexes me.

Everyone memes about 1984, but I have the book right here, and I'm reminded of the descriptory passage about it "taking more effort" to be dumb (to literally stupify oneself) than to be smart in the society of Oceania.

I wonder just how much effort (and stress) it takes to maintain that position indefinitely.

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