@special-boy @fluffy
I will be happy to explain it.
The researchers were liberals who were afraid of truth, so they refused to use any numbers lower then 20.
@special-boy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy yeah I have no idea if it's accurate or not I just think it's a funny meme regardless
@special-boy @beardalaxy @fluffy
Bit the fertile years DO start at 15, and from a simple look at the "single mother community", it is obvious, that 15YOs are more then capable of having babies
@special-boy @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy
He's on poast so he can't see this, but it makes sense even before fertility. She's going to be fertile, you just have to wait, the younger the more you can monopolise her
@applejack @special-boy @beardalaxy @fluffy
Yeah, I thing the mathematics would call it cumulative function.
Evwry year of fertility you use, no matter how small will add up in the end. (Ironically enough, we are skipping the peak anyway.)
I should try calculating the area of grad before and after 35. Just for science.
@special-boy @applejack @beardalaxy @fluffy
In this case just addition.
I just don't have time to do it now.
@special-boy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy it already does line up with start of fertility, though. Puberty coincides with ovulation and the average age is 12. Girls can begin puberty as early as 9, without taking into account statistical outliers.
The scientifically accurate "best age" for fertility is early 20s. That is only taking into account a woman's biology though, not a man's psychology/physiology. I theorize that most guys like younger women because they are relatively innocent and have other such features that have been battered into our brains for who knows how long. Millennia. Maybe longer. It was only hundreds of years ago that we would get married in the early-mid teens, because humans didn't live nearly as long. My great grandmother got married when she was 14. Not even 100 years ago.
Of course, this is why the actual definition of pedophilia is essentially being attracted to a girl who hasn't gone through puberty yet. Not "anyone under the age of 18" or other such arbitrary values.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
@beardalaxy @special-boy @fluffy
While I still hold the opinion, that being attracted to a woman at the not yet legal age is natural, I seriously cannot argue about the psychological damage girls go through as they age, that is deforming the data in the expected way. Of course a 35yo woman who "doesn't need no man" and "can take of herself" has 2 huge devaluating factors instead of one, but even without the attitude, I still believe the numbers would look the same.
@LukeAlmighty @special-boy @fluffy yeah societal rot has a pretty big influence on attraction, in both ways.
@beardalaxy @special-boy @fluffy
Oh, I would LOVE to hear how to improve myself, but all I hear from most of them is bullshit like "Stop playing games and watching porn".
@Granwalder @beardalaxy @special-boy @fluffy
I know what ground looks like.
@Granwalder @beardalaxy @special-boy @fluffy
I'm not that hungry
@LukeAlmighty @Granwalder @special-boy @fluffy I'm not that horny
@beardalaxy @special-boy @fluffy
Thank you...