@special-boy @fluffy
I will be happy to explain it.

The researchers were liberals who were afraid of truth, so they refused to use any numbers lower then 20.

@special-boy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy yeah I have no idea if it's accurate or not I just think it's a funny meme regardless

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy
People being most attracted to not yet fertile children doesn't seem reasonable to me if they moved the whole chart slightly to the right to have highest attractiveness line up with start of fertility i could buy it if i didn't know that most people report liking what other sources confirm to be peak fertility around 20 years old, which seems very reasonable and relatable.

@special-boy @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @fluffy

He's on poast so he can't see this, but it makes sense even before fertility. She's going to be fertile, you just have to wait, the younger the more you can monopolise her


@applejack @special-boy @beardalaxy @fluffy
Yeah, I thing the mathematics would call it cumulative function.

Evwry year of fertility you use, no matter how small will add up in the end. (Ironically enough, we are skipping the peak anyway.)

I should try calculating the area of grad before and after 35. Just for science. :blobcatprofit:

@LukeAlmighty @applejack @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @applejack @beardalaxy @fluffy
That integral should be really easy.
Just basic addition and percentage calculations
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