i just took a look at mastodon.social and mstdn.social's timelines just to see and honestly if that's what i thought the fediverse was like i wouldn't have ever joined

@shibao @shibao this is what has happened to a bunch of people and they've written off the fediverse entirely.

Actually, a few of Baest's users came from instances like those. They seemed like cool people so I hoped on an alt to explain why things are the way they are and that there's a whole fun side of the fediverse they can't even see.

Most moved to either my instance or another one on this side of fedi and have been having fun ever since.

A lot said they had read about the fediverse and wanted to check it out and were about to give it up because it was boring and super woke until I came along and they discovered the fun side of fedi.

@sjw @shibao I landed on gameliberty by pure luck. Heard about mastodon from some tech tuber and looked up a mastodon instance finder. Searched for "game" and gl came up so I joined xD

@beardalaxy @sjw @shibao I only joined by YandereDev created an account on here, but never used it. I thought that this would be the perfect place to post gamedev stuff.

@sjw @beardalaxy @xianc78 @shibao I assumed it's just a troll account. Used an temporary email address.

@sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @shibao I wish we had more gamedevs on here. I'm pretty sure we can have a few indies on here without destroying their reputation.

@matrix @sjw @beardalaxy @shibao For them or for the instance? There are some game studios who can get away with having a presence on more niche and edgy sites. Running With Scissors literally had an official board on 8chan back in the day. I'm not even joking. And there have been a lot of indie games that have been shilled on imageboards over the years.


@xianc78 @matrix @sjw @shibao didn't some dev studio have a 8chan q&a that turned out pretty well? But then people told them 8chan had child porn on it or whatever so they issued an apology.

@xianc78 @matrix @sjw @shibao I feel like there is some serious untapped potential for certain studios doing stuff like this

@beardalaxy @matrix @sjw @shibao Literally the only people who had a problem with the 8chan AMA were the journos, including Youtubers like ReviewTechUSA who made THREE VIDEOS regarding the situation. I've seen a lot of non-8chan users defending THQ and 8chan. At worst, they thought it was "unprofessional" but not something worthy of a boycott. There were also a few other companies who did similar threads on 8chan.

Granted, all of these happened before the three mass shootings linked to 8chan, but fortunately, nothing similar has happened on the Fediverse (and hopefully never will).

@xianc78 @beardalaxy @sjw @shibao Journos matter more and THQ bowing down didn't have financial repercussions for them, so it only sends signal to other studios showing bad press isn't worth it.

@matrix @beardalaxy @sjw @shibao I think their stocks actually rose and they ended up buying more studios since the AMA. It probably actually helped them.

@xianc78 @beardalaxy @matrix @sjw @shibao Someone made a video of the fallout that spawned from that.

@Coyote @beardalaxy @shibao I miss those kinds of videos.

Alright, which instance admin is ready to have a major game developer/publisher do an AMA on here? I want to see the spectacular reaction on here and in the mainstream.

CC: @sjw @matrix @Moon @p @graf @alex

@xianc78 @Coyote @shibao I think the best one would probably be an anime game hosting a q&a on baest lol. Like little witch nobeta or something.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 @matrix @sjw @shibao reminder that the whole "8chan is a cp haven" thing was a false flag operation

@Alex @sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @shibao CP spam is a weapon use to take down sites that people don't like.

@Alex @sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @xianc78 @shibao Correct, Dan Olson posted CP to 8ch and then proceeded to report it IIRC

@Tadano @sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @shibao @Alex It amazes me to see how people will go out of their way just to take such a site offline. Some will even go to your house and destroy the server if they can.

@xianc78 @Tadano @sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @shibao @Alex every imageboard since 2005 4chan has been bombed by CSEM in an attempt to smear it/take it down. as abhorrent as it is it's absolutely nothing new and not limited to one group of malfeasants. it is also a weakness structurally inherent in the imageboard concept.
@Alex @sjw @beardalaxy @matrix @xianc78 @shibao The CP wasn't actually there. The cripple was just reluctant to put something effective in place. After CM took over, there was botmod.

@maxmustermann @sjw @matrix @xianc78 @shibao @Alex I was gonna say, from what I remember there were people wondering if by CP they meant loli because there was never any CP.

@beardalaxy @sjw @matrix @xianc78 @shibao @Alex Only links to that garbage. There were some unironic pedo boards though. Some of them even split off to its own 8ch instance until the admin from there ended up v&, lol.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.