I just saw another "teach men not to rape" and realized another paradox...

Have you tried telling the guy to not do it? What was the result? Because if you di.... you should know better. And if you didn't... Well.. :blobangel:

@LukeAlmighty I think the point of the phrase is to raise boys in a way that they won't rape people, you know give them an actual moral code instead of a fake one or nothing at all. Because a lot of parents, if they're even there for their kids at all, suck ass.

Why do women always use the most retarded phrase to describe a real concept then? Especially, if the phrase points to a different problem then?

Because teach people to be civilized is a phrase that is aimed at civilized people. Therefore, repeating it turns into nothing but nagging.

And human trash is always going to exist too.

It is an absolute logical net of bullshit :ayaya:


@LukeAlmighty because if you just say nothing and don't push back against evil, the evil will eventually take over.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty

The fact that I've been listening to women say this shit to me since 2009...at Texas' most "conservative school" should tell you all you need to know.

And, the last few years, my niece has been parroting those phrases at me. They are high on the power, and the birth control brain doesn't help. I can't think of it any other way.

Bill Burr's bit about a wife-beater seeing a billboard on the way home from work, decides not to beat his wife, because he just didn't know! I've been saying this to them since '09, "Who's this for? Why are you telling me?" They simply refuse to believe we didn't have to be 'taught not to.'

It also gives their victim narrative a perpetual villain, because they'll keep telling us this shit, even if rape is 100% a non-white crime, because we're men. It doesn't matter that we're their brothers and sons; they can't give us the benefit of the doubt. It would cause a back draft in the part of their brains dealing with their ideology.

My advice to most men is, if you get a whiff of ANY blank slatist logic, that's the last date. "We've been assimilating people into our cultures for how many decades and centuries now, and you think we just need to work harder? For what benefit? You think pitbulls are great?! FBI crime statistics are wrong!? Pfizer researchers did their due diligence?!" It's not worth the headache anymore.

@Svantovit @beardalaxy
> My advice to most men is, if you get a whiff of ANY blank slatist logic, that's the last date.

Absolutely. few things are so non-negotiable as your own safety.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy

That being said...why does every blue-collar "conservative" girl I meet own a pitbull?! It's infuriating.

@Svantovit @LukeAlmighty there is something to be said about telling grown ass men not to rape, because a grown ass man who is going to rape someone won't give a shit if he's told no.

but raising a boy with a strong moral code is what i'm talking about.

@LukeAlmighty @Svantovit as i see it, there is a difference between "teach" and "tell" that isn't being understood here.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @Svantovit please do enlighten us, mrs womyn, we need your invaluable knowledge

you asked lol 

@Rwoeidk @Svantovit @LukeAlmighty luke's post is more about telling men not to rape, which obviously doesn't make sense because men who will rape are going to rape and telling them no isn't going to stop them, much like telling a guy with a gun not to shoot you isn't going to change his mind.

but TEACHING people things is different. you can teach someone good morals before they ever get in a position like that. possibly after with rehab.

it's not like people don't know that rape is wrong, they just do it anyway because they want to. but if you can eliminate the desire to want to, or at least give someone enough mental stability to not rape someone even if they do want to, that's what the goal is.

my assumption is that most rapists had bad childhoods for one reason or another. even if there is no direct abuse, emotional/physical neglect, intentional or not, still harms people. shocker.

the phrase "teach men not to rape" is a lot more deep than just "tell your rapist he shouldn't be raping you and he'll stop, duh."

now, whether feminists actually use it that way is a different story. just from my experience though actually talking to people, it's definitely more of a thing like "where did this person's learning go so wrong that they raped someone? make sure to teach your kids correctly." which of course, teaching isn't just in what you tell someone, it's how you act toward them that will make them more or less susceptible to your teachings. it's also about not being a hypocrite with your teachings.

@beardalaxy @Rwoeidk @LukeAlmighty

It's more related to biology. It's niggers. Regular and sand varieties. The data bears this out. History puts this on display time and again. Their religions and cultures encourage it. Those things were formed and influenced by biology generation after generation. There is no "teaching." It has to filter out of their cultures naturally.

Don't be a blank slatist.

@Svantovit @LukeAlmighty @Rwoeidk i'm no blank slatist, and it is apparent to me that there are different biological and sociological factors at play. that's why i mention white people's mental health as well. it's a diseased part of the culture that needs to be removed and fought against so that we can make things better.

there are people out there that want things to be worse because it benefits them (namely, businessmen and politicians). there are people who are ignorant. there are those who don't want to face the heart of these issues because it's uncomfortable. all of that just makes it proliferate and the only way to dig out of that hole is to work on changing the culture, which involves teaching. not relaxing laws or covering up statistics or trying to make the problems go away with money or even more disorder and chaos.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @Rwoeidk

Then I'll rephrase it. They can be "taught" those lessons, which take generations to sink in, in their own homes.

All we have to do is remove the jew, then teach people how much of their culture is artificial bullshit propped up by said liars. The ones who don't want to accept this will be filtered out by order, not chaos.
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty

That's the gist of what they've been saying and what they've been teaching in American schools. What do our women say about young white men? They're "weak, passive, and have no confidence." The majority of white boys never needed to be told not to rape, because they watched a decent father treat their mother and sister decently. Any man with a 105+ IQ is going to recognize the pattern he witnessed...and treat his woman the way his father 'showed' him. I can use an opposite example, Emmett Till's father...which ChatGPT told the truth about, but lied in doing so lol.
@Svantovit @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy Cuckservitism conserves

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