
It would mean the world to me if you'd check it out and wishlist it :D the game will be available in 2025 and will be free :)

Over 30 boosts/reposts? You guys are too nice 😭

@xianc78 it would be cool to have it there, but I have heard they are much more strict with what can and can't be allowed. It's also not completely necessary, since the game is free and has no DRM, and will also be available on itch.

@beardalaxy It's at least worth trying though. The more places it's on, the more people you will attract. You can also try GameJolt as well.

Thye have eroge on GOG, not to mention a lot of shoveware, so I don't see why your game should not be allowed. Maybe it being free would cause problems?

@Jens_Rasmussen @xianc78 I'm not 100% sure, I've just heard from developers that it's harder to get your game on GOG than it is on Steam. I guess that's a pretty low bar to begin with though lol. I'll definitely look into other platforms at some point, but I want to focus on what I know I can manage right now before trying out other places.

@beardalaxy @Jens_Rasmussen Which reminds me that I really need to get back to working on that indie site. I was considering redoing it because I think the PHP+MySQL set-up is not the best approach. It's something I would like to do eventually, but maybe with something like NodeJS and a NoSQL database instead.

@beardalaxy Looks good! Wish you good luck with the game and your future projects! :love:
How is the EXP system supposed to work, or is it still a secret?

@Jens_Rasmussen It's hard to put the full description of it into a short feature sentence, but basically you get experience points relative to the amount of damage you deal versus how much EXP the enemy has to give. You also gain EXP for recovering health points and skill points. It took a lot of work to try and make that as unexploitable as possible lol, but I'm sure people will still find out ways to get around it.

You can level up mid-combat, which will increase your HP and MP by a percentage of your new max values.

The reason for this system existing at all is because if you die in combat, outside of boss encounters and certain areas, you can revive at the last church you visited for a small fee. I've tried to cut out grinding from the game if you're just going through it normally and that helps a lot. It's definitely intended to have a more casual difficulty.

@beardalaxy I'll definitely be playing this. I bookmarked your itch page years ago and completely forgot about it for a long time so it's cool to see it finally coming together!

@moth_ball hey that's really cool :D I'm glad you're interested :)

@beardalaxy woah cool, I'll try to remember to give it a go at some point :thumbsupkonata:

@Netoraremancer @Ace66062 thanks for your interest! It's nothing like hylics, fear and hunger, or felvidek. It's a lot closer to an old dragon quest game. It does have it's moments of insanity though haha :meru_lul:

@Pawlicker same here! I like sharing art I enjoy. It's also cool when there is some collaborative effort going on. @matana made the cover art for this, @Mr_NutterButter made my company logo, and I've made music for one of @xianc78 's games :) I also was able to get a voice actor I needed through fedi too, so that's cool!

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