@coded_artist all of the games on the left look and play substantially better too.
@Vidmastereon @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @coded_artist yeah you gotta wonder if all this crunch is the result of people not actually doing their jobs until it's too late. I wouldn't be surprised with how focused on things other than the game itself they seem to be.
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Vidmastereon @coded_artist super smash bros melee was made in 13 months. Isn't that insane? I mean, it's a little broken, but it's still an incredibly good game by all accounts.
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @Vidmastereon @coded_artist true, and yeah iwata did need to clean it up. All I'm saying is that a game like melee would take like 3 years to come out these days from your typical western dev and they'd be spending way too much money on it. With how good and fun the game is it's just surprising to know that it only took about a year to make.