I got 22 out of the 49 wrong, barely about a coinflip, so around the median. Fuck.
Most of the ones I was strongly confident about turned out correct however I severally underestimated AI's ability to emulate brush strokes.
The typical leads were still there though, fingers bending and fusing, spacetime bending, morelikely to be kitsch, anime having a weird plastic shine to it.

AI is amazing at simulating human intelligence. But never underestimate human's ability to simulate retardation.


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@LukeAlmighty @matrix in hindsight i should have guessed that the ship was human, just because of how precise all of those ropes are that hold the sails. i was just too baffled at the fact that someone would actually draw that though lmao, it looks utterly ridiculous.

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@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty I had the same thought process

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@matrix @beardalaxy
Exactly why I made the post. I know AI can do it on accident, but I didn't know a human could make something so ugly.

Also, I know, I should have tagged it, but THEY DELETED MY ANWSERS!!!

They ruined my test by using a stupid form.

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@LukeAlmighty @matrix the instructions they give say they won't be taking any more responses so you shouldn't actually submit the form, just match it up with a provided key.

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