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wavedashing was an unintended side effect of the physics system that actually became intended in testing. sakurai even had his own word for it and told players how to do it. i don't know if bugs found during development and then purposefully not being fixed can be considered a bug or not.

anyway, the more you know 🌈

apparently this is the album art for his new album lol. black metal much?

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i love how any time for the past 20 years you could say "kanye wtf are you doing" and it would still be a relevant thing to say.

you gotta admit he does make the world more exciting. he's the wildest card.

a little bit of hollywood undead is good every now and then

why the FUCK is my janky ass, old ass, buggy ass game Grandma's House still on the front page of Nobody is talking about it. Does it just get a lot of downloads or views or something?? I'm genuinely curious... I might ask a mod or admin or something because it definitely does not deserve to be there. Right in between Ara Fell and Lisa, sitting next to Oneshot and adjacent to OFF. More like fuck off... why is Grandma's House here??? It has legitimately been there for at least a year.

in case there are any hentai scholars out there, i am once again asking to see if anyone knows WHAT THE FUCK this song is. i cannot find it for the life of me.

it's from some loli hentai i downloaded about 10-12 years ago. don't remember the name of it, i was probably just perusing the web looking for loli shit and found it. i recreated the main melody here.

the song is called Present, don't know who the artist is, but it's from this hentai. i really like the song. funny story, i'd play it in the car with the family when we'd drive places xD

it's gotta' be out there somewhere.

oh shEEIT the sonic symphony is coming to town next year :poggers:

i can't wait to go full autist mode

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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