:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

@Mr_NutterButter there doesn't have to be a lore reason, sometimes making it a lore reason can make it too cheesy like you're being a tryhard. just make them scantily clad and go for it.

@Mr_NutterButter maybe go for some handwriting one that looks a bit rough, as if it was written on a tough surface.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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