@grey low key might have it on in my bone conductors instead of music like I normally do
@grey I'm gonna be at work for most of it 😭
We really need to be able to vote on more things. We can vote for representatives but sometimes those reps will have some idea that is wildly different from the population, even on both sides of the political aisle. It would be cool if the people could repeal stuff with enough votes, or like for instance if the president could only veto something if 2/3 of the population wanted him to. Our government just has way too much power and not enough checks for it. I guarantee you that none of these ludicrous foreign spending bills would have made it through if the people had more say. There are things that a lot of people want or don't want that politicians are not willing to budge on and that's why we have to settle for voting for "the lesser of two evils."
it's just like i'm fighting God
and i'm not sure who i want to win
Krystal by Whygena-Draws
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/whygena
New Character Available!
Gnome Time
little drawing of lucy, inspired by the set of pictures of a model/cosplayer that i found on the internet. hope you like it.
I am dedicating almost all my time to drawing, so you would help me a lot to continue creating drawings like this if you decide to support me !
fanbox : boraxxx.fanbox.cc/
@Junes 42
@deprecated_ii 1965? try like 2010
@Hoss @Forestofenchantment @p @Volkish_Observer @tyler @verita84_automata @NonPlayableClown Michael Jackson's whole life story is so fucked up but he was still one of the greatest musicians of all time. It's a real shame that so much talent gets totally taken advantage of and bled dry.
@bonkmaykr discs are also WAY smaller and very easily stackable
@griffith imagine Boeing but nuclear. It's for the best.
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I am an advocate against all forms of abuse and neglect as someone who has experienced it, but blaming fictional content for the world's evils will do nothing. Fiction can be a wonderful way to escape in the form of artwork, cinema, books, and video games. Please let everyone enjoy it and treat real-world issues with the seriousness they deserve in comparison.