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beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

Decompiling a GameCube game is obviously leagues harder than an N64 game, but surprisingly the decomp for Super Smash Bros. Melee is at 25%. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a Melee PC port 10 years from now, and what a sight that will be.

beard :meru_dab: boosted

all i had to do to fix my phone restarting my apps when they were in the background was... get this....

restart it. classic.

beard :meru_dab: boosted
>Your show wont allow nazis to kill dogs because you find it wrong
>my show wont allow nazis to kill dogs for historical accuracy
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

1 week to my birthday. Will celebrate with the bnuys.

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.