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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

YTP - SquadWad's Scary Story to Tell in a Well-Lit Restaurant

and yes i may be slightly inebriated but that's the truth

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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
@SIC_Guy @Goalkeeper @RealRaul >Netflix vandalizes beloved pop-culture IPs with fat niggers, pushes a pedo film, and and turns Gundam girls into nasty dykes

Boomer: I sleep.

>Netflix donates 6 gorillion dollars to Kamala Harris

Boomer: LET'S CANCEL THEM!!!!!!!
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

what i like about people here is that they will call out bullshit when they see it. no towing party lines, no need to fill social quotas or give in to pressure. you guys are legit for that. there's nothing i hate more than a fake motherfucker.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted


:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

guys, i think it is safe to say i'm into anime figure collecting now. i've already got 5, i've got the nagatoro bunny suit one pre-ordered, and i just pre-ordered a nice miku one. then this??? oh nyo.

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