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beard :meru_dab: boosted

ugh d&d beyond becomes more unusable by the day. i really, REALLY wish i wasn't playing 5e right now. they said they would make sure they kept legacy 5e stuff intact but that's not the case at all, so many things are being updated with the new rules which in some cases are completely different and it's causing a real headache when i have to tell my players "yeah just ignore what it says there."

i really wish i could just switch to a different system right now but that's not going to happen. not when 3/5 players have never played a tabletop game before this campaign. certainly wouldn't be fun to change rules in the middle of a campaign either.

i seriously need to dedicate a day to just watching everything in my youtube watch later playlist. i've got 200 videos in there :JahyDead:

this new character in suicide squad is a mashup of a white(hispanic?) girl who is a minor character and a one-off white dude from 1989. wtf are they even doing anymore?

beard :meru_dab: boosted

>Sony announces Horizon Zero Dawn remaster for $50
>Says you can upgrade from your original copy for $10
>Original game is $20 on PS Store
>Not anymore it's not

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

did anyone bring the milk and cookies?

please support me💜

beard :meru_dab: boosted

FFXVI PC performance 

I'm seeing some people comparing the performance of God of War Ragnarok to Final Fantasy XVI on PC. Apparently, the former runs better, so people are shitting on the latter.

Something that is important to remember though, is that Ragnarok is actually a PS4 game with a PS5 port. FFXVI is a PS5 game. FFXVI was designed in a way where it was very specifically made to be played on a PS5 at 30 FPS so everything they worked on was for that specific target. They really squeezed as much juice out as they could and it might be harder for them to scale that back to run on a PC with similar specs at a higher frame rate. Ragnarok was running on hardware from 2013. I think we can cut FFXVI some slack in that comparison.

However, I will say that the performance of FFXVI is still extremely lack luster. What is on display 99% of the time should not be nearly as taxing as it is. Sometimes the textures are of a laughably bad quality, you are indoors, and there are maybe like 4 other NPCs around and I still can't hit 60 FPS. The battles always run extremely smoothly though when there are particles flying around all over the place so I think it really is indicative of how they balanced and optimized their game around the PS5 hardware exclusively.

They certainly could get the game running much better than it is right now and I really hope they are able to do that. It's just that you can tell the game was still very much optimized for PS5 and judging from how they unnecessarily locked the cutscenes to 30 FPS, I think they did actually intend for the game to be played at 30. One day there will be hardware powerful enough to break through and play this game at 4K 60 without any scaling or whatever but that day is certainly not today, and probably not for another few years at least.

Yoooo wtf I just daw a car with a @BORNTODIE decal??? It was definitely his logo with the skull and everything. One of us!

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
@Shadowman311 @Terry israel's behavior has managed to get pretty much everyone to agree on somewhere between "free palestine" and "death to israel" except for 70+ year old boomercons and politicians who support israel because mossad has a video of them raping a child on epstein's island
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
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