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If you don't like pirate metal I don't fw you

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

i forgot i had my adblock turned off and saw a youtube ad FOR AN ADBLOCKER

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

First time pleasures

Commission for BreezieBrie

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

Vinny played my ShroomJam game and got a few chuckles out of it, and you know what, that's all I was looking for! I'm glad he did the voices for the bros at some points and saying "it counts" when going into the TV was what I was fishing for haha xD

beard :meru_dab: boosted


beard :meru_dab: boosted


NIH Chief Raja Cholan caught on tape admitting their Covid measures were "completely made up"

a lot of people find their partners online in like games and reddit and shit and i'm always like... how? i have no idea how i'd do that without coming off as desperate.

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.