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beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
@ChristiJunior @Rasterman @beardalaxy It's done out of hatred for men. Women like attractive characters and celebrities in general.

Taylor Swift has a much bigger following than Lizzo. I mean quantity-wise, not tonnage.
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
Drama Queen official translator went back and "localized" this line

what's with the obsession with killing kagamine len

beard :meru_dab: boosted

finally went through my email and cleaned it up. 600 deleted emails later. i really need to be more proactive on unsubscribing from spammy shit and deleting things. i kind of treat my email like a notification service.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.