Twitter Crosspost
RT @eggbulb3
I know us Titanfall fans are all mad at Respawn, but it’s really sad that this needs to be said. Devs are people too. Toxicity doesn’t solve anything.
Twitter Crosspost
RT @StickyPilot
I knew exactly what was going to happen frame by frame and it still made me laugh…
Twitter Crosspost
RT @LeHivemind
Twitter Crosspost
RT @marcusalqueres
Still proud to have been a small part of this sequence, I have animated a good 20 seconds of it if I remember correctly.
Twitter Crosspost
RT @__nieves__
#ViernesDeEscritorio De mis personalizaciones favoritas en Parrot OS 🦜.
@matrix twitter
@xianc78 lol
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
UNIX enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Missouri, United States
I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter.
I die by the first amendment no matter how much you piss me off.
Followers of all kinds welcome - no matter your place on the political spectrum, your language or your experience - just be respectful.