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@deprecated_ii they did this shit at Harbor Freight and some of them were so confusing. Just random fucking objects, or sometimes the two choices would be identical. Completely unrelated to my qualification to work there.

I wonder what alternate DE's exist for AmigaOS 3? Workbench isn't my thing, but I'm trying.


Created a new room layout. Zelda 1 had water-maze rooms, and I realized that mine didn't so I created one. Though I am kind of limited because the key will always be placed in a random room and the room coordinates for the key (in tiles) is always (10, 5), so I have to accommodate that when designing rooms like this.

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"The disinformation and conspiracy theories are running amok!!! Now let me talk about how liberal universalism is secretly a tool of the white patriarchy to oppress women and minorities."

just learned this recently, but the guy who made Final Fantasy Sonic flash games passed away the same week as Sonic 3. rip to the time Sonic got a buster sword and fought alongside Mega Man X.
i should make a website for reviews and other more permanent blogposts so less people can have a chance at reading them yes

I think part of the reason overclocking is so popular is because hardware manufacturers know they can make more money if they sell you a product that won't last long, and if you break it yourself then you can't blame them for planned obsolescence.

@Goalkeeper I still remember when Apex Legends launched on the Switch and Respawn didn't even change anything so it ran at like 12 FPS *at best*. It's like they didn't even want to make a port but were forced to.

Whatever happened to caring about the user?

follow me on my new instance im moving instances its been a good run ive set up my new instance cocks.cumming go to my new instance cocks.cumming today hit the remote follow button and fill out your credit card information for a limited time only cocks.cumming today sign up now my personal instance cocks.cumming its the new place to be itll be up forever you dont wanna miss out this is the new permanent residence just for me cocks.cumming i paid so much for this domain im probably not gonna afford the renew fees next year so hop on over to cocks.cumming while it lasts the new instance my primary place cocks.cumming today
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.