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Consumer rights matter more than Worker's rights, change my mind

@supersid333 @CarlosRuzu ye i came from Carlos' discord server and his matrix, I'm a admin on the discord
@carlosruzu feel free to inject your personal ideology into my shitposts, i can't stop anyone from doing that because retards do whatever they want regardless.

@applejack @carlosruzu @Aldo2
I still love the "Women are sexiest at 2, tinder sais so" argument...

Because you know... It is so easy to guess the exact age, and nothing happens when you get it wrong right?

Literal child molestation summer camps are now operating in the USA. This one is in Kentucky, but I have found another in Indiana, so red states.

Part of camp activities is to teach your kids how to masturbate with a "hands on" demonstration ("on hands!," they emphasize), and we're going to teach them about the joys and wonders of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Hey, this instance has been pretty cool for my initial intro to mastodon. What other instances do yall like? even if they are big servers I don't care too much, just want an alt on mastodon since apparently this instance makes people look at you weird and plus the federated timeline kinda ass

look loli culture is weird af and you'll never catch me on some sus shit.
that said, lolicons are oppressed. I'd even go as far to say they are the new gamers of our generation 😂

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.