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Perfect reaction image for when someone says some gay delusional bullshit and you don't feel like arguing about it but you want them to know you think they're a retarded faggot
Stop. My penis can only get so erect.
"Délicate scène" by Paul Laurenzi

Tags: 1900_1945, jews, auschwitz, death_camps, holocaust, wwii
Source: The booru is down for now
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Scarlet Maiden Review (7/10) 

This is a Rogue Legacy clone with ero game elements, and minus the whole feature of unique character traits refreshing upon every death.

It originally intrigued me because of the art style and the fact that it is an ero game, but upon looking at the gameplay footage and reading the reviews I got way more intrigued by how close it looked to Rogue Legacy, which is one of my favorite games.

It doesn't do anything special, not even in the erotic department, but the core gameplay was still very fun.

I completely stopped caring about any of the erotic stuff after only playing about an hour. Some things are copy-pasted and others are just a little bland. There are a few interesting animations but they don't last long enough and aren't varied enough to get your rocks off too. They are the equivalent of little emoji animations you'd see on a forum years ago or something. Not bad but they definitely didn't feel like the core of the game to me, despite that being its gimmick. You know what, though? I don't really mind, the game was still really fun and would have been fun with or without the ero stuff.

It's not one I'll ever go back to, since I'd sooner just go back and play Rogue Legacy 2, but it definitely filled that void while offering something just different enough that I didn't feel like I was replaying the old game again. It took me about 16 hours to complete which isn't too shabby considering I think I only paid like $6 for it.

@coded_artist incompetent, petty, selfish, lazy, and also wield incredible power over everyone.
@Goalkeeper First the Mexicans stole our blue collar jobs, then the jeets stole our tech jobs, now the blacks are stealing our mass shooters

Niggers are using batteries to make chicken :chicken_nigger:
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.