@helldiverliberator apparently in the original japanese version vivian is a crossdresser. no idea what the original dialogue was though, if it implies actually being trans or just dressing like a girl. in the original's english translation, it was removed and vivian was just a girl.

nintendo has a weird fascination with making characters cross dress. sometimes it comes off as funny, like with link needing to get into gerudo village, but characters like this and birdo have always struck me as just being sort of weird, especially because of the target audience.

@beardalaxy @helldiverliberator I was told by someone that Vivian would be "fixed" in the Paper Mario re-release but all they did was fuck him up AGAIN. Nintendo has a history of "conveniently" altering the sex of effeminate male characters when they release games in the West. Sahara and Gracie from Animal Crossing are originally male in the JP version but changed to be flat out female in the Western releases. Sahara was apparently an "oversight" but I call bullshit since they did it twice and originally, they did this to Vivian as well. Now they still can't get it right, as he was portrayed as male in the localization for the re-release but they inserted that faggotry into the game for the "usual" reasons.

There is a lot of bigotry against effeminate characters/otokonoko in video games when they make their way overseas.

Ultimately, I knew of Vivian's butchering from the original release but I never played the game and I'm even less interested after this, it's why I have these not so good screenshots of some random faggot on Twitter who just happened to have screens of the original "otokonoko" dialog. It's 2024 and this forced trans faggotry continues because they are too cowards to have otokonoko in games. It's like the "safe gay" with inserting lesbians into everything but you never see two dudes buttfucking each other in Western media. Trans is just the new "safe".

@veru @helldiverliberator thanks, that's exactly the info i was looking for. otokonoko = trap, definitely not trans. there is a lot of femboy erasure in general in the west. i was even called transphobic once for saying that femboys can exist without taking hormones (which unfortunately seems all too common these days). @MAGO5 likening it to the bridget situation is apt.

@veru @helldiverliberator @MAGO5 another reason to sail the seas for nintendo games i suppose 🏴‍☠️

@beardalaxy @helldiverliberator @MAGO5 You know, there are very few things that get me mad on the Internet, I would say. And this is just one of those things. I had been having a peaceful life after the Bridget incident because I really turned ugly during it and I want to avoid getting like that again. I had to let it go and the character is dead to me now. At least with Vivian, he hasn't gotten retconned in the JP version due to the developers taking an ESG bribe, which was the case of Bridget.

We really don't have many otokonoko characters in video games. They are mostly present in anime. The hilarious yet sad thing is that I WAS going to pick up the game when I was told Vivian was restored to male. I had been soured since years ago when I knew about how he has changed in the West. Of course, now I won't even pirate this garbage knowing the end result. Ironically, the butchered 2006 version is better to me (though still a travesty). I didn't like Bridget's grooming retcon story in the newest game and I sure as hell don't like Vivian's tranny dialogue rewritten by an asylum patient who got hired at Nintendo. I hate what these characters represent and it's a shame for them to come back just to be warped bt the current climate's disease.

But I'm sure Nintendo will *totally* get that money from the asylum patients on Twitter who seal clap whenever a character is butchered in this manner and who never leave their house and much less play any video games.

@beardalaxy @veru @helldiverliberator I give ArcSys shit for sacrificing a perfectly good character for agenda, but I really have to thank them for creating the perfect litmus test for sussing out the insane, ideologically-poisoned people. I just wish it ended with Bridget, but these things only embolden them.

The thing that upset me more than anything else with Bridget is that the tranny story IK'd literally every piece of his preexisting story.

You could make an argument that his attempt to be seen as a man in spite of his outward appearance could be a shitty non-binary story, but no they went for full tranny.

Unless the next piece of story laughs at how an older American man groomed a vulnerable person into becoming tranny filth I'm done with ArcSys
@beardalaxy @veru @helldiverliberator

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