I liked this style and it's very light on my computer, maybe i will do more things like these another time.

@hideki these type of backgrounds could look good in a vn imo

@orekix Good thinking, now i just need a story to tell in order to create all the backgrounds for it.

@hideki You did this in Blender? How does that work? Looks great btw

@pseudoriemann You basically have to apply toon effect for everything, disregard light for colors and shadows and set them manually and render at low res

@icedquinn @pseudoriemann when you apply toon shaders you can force hard shadows on all stuff instead of the soft shadows you see normally. When you render at low resolutions, the pixeling comes naturally :comfy:

@hideki @pseudoriemann weird. when i tried low res renders like this the pixelation was dirty.

the lines on this one look like they have a lot of clean edges (ex. no pixels doubled up in lines.)
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