I wrote a small guide/roadmap for absolute beginners where i give you pointers of where to find good resources and information about self-learning how to use the 3D modeling software Blender and the things that worked for me during my very early beginner time.

When i started doing Blender i had seriously no idea of where to start and where to go next so i really hope it is useful to you in case you are curious about learning Blender but you have absolute ZERO experience or knowledge about it.


@hideki My biggest challenge has been memorizing hotkeys for everything, but Blender is really hotkey-centric so you gotta do it.

@wildgoose yeah no kidding, it took me so much time to really learn even the most basic hotkeys, and Blenderguru was throwing hotkeys at you like pancakes... almost for anything there's a hotkey for it.

And yeah, you can do everyting too by pressing on menus and such but it much much faster using the hotkeys. I guess you eventually get used to them by using them over and over again you don't even notice you have memorized them.

The other problem them came when i was all the time trying to use blender hotkeys in any other program, particulary on Inkscape that i use a lot too.

@hideki @wildgoose the most useful function in blender is operation search, especially while you're still learning (so pretty much always). It was bound to space in 2.7, but since 2.8 space plays the scene animation by default.

@Inginsub @wildgoose yes, you will keep using search even if you are experienced. On blender 2.8 it got re-mapped to F3 (which is the default search hotkey on a lot of programs too)

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