I wrote a small guide/roadmap for absolute beginners where i give you pointers of where to find good resources and information about self-learning how to use the 3D modeling software Blender and the things that worked for me during my very early beginner time.

When i started doing Blender i had seriously no idea of where to start and where to go next so i really hope it is useful to you in case you are curious about learning Blender but you have absolute ZERO experience or knowledge about it.


@hideki Neat write-up, Blender StackExchange might be another solid resource worth noting. Although tutorials are exceptionally useful, putting hours worth of them as a near prerequisite could be an equally daunting task to a beginner. Starting out with your own projects and picking up the skills needed as you go is also a perfectly viable approach. On a minor note, it’s probably not a bad idea to find and replace any instances of “reccomend” to “recommend”, along with running the whole thing through a spell-checker just in case.


@forcedinductionretard thank you for your feedback, and you're right, i agree i forgot to put the part of "doing things just for fun" after doing the donut, because that helped me getting used to the software and the fear of "mis-clicking something"

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