Day 1 - Gargoyle

Very simple, but this is actually the first time that i try my hand at sculpting something complex, and for being the first time and not having graphic tablet or anything like that, the result is acceptable at least to me.

Day 2 - Scurry

Aaahhh... Low poly scenes are always the safe exit and wildcard for when you don't have an idea of what to do with a difficult prompt.

Day 3 - Bat

He's there, he's looking for you, and he's gonna bash your brains in.

Day 4 - Scallop

Bon appetit!

I was gonna add some sauce to it, but i need to up my shading game first...

Day 6 - Bouquet

Cempasuchitl is a traditional mexican flower, that apart of having a cute orange color, is used as a ceremonial plant during the celebration of Dia de Muertos, Oct 31.

Day 7 - Trip

And boy, i do really wish i could go for a trip far away, like, right now.

Day 8 - Match

"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message"

In retrospective the piece doesn't make too much sense, but it is what it is.

@BallsackGyroper1488 thanks my brother in christ. At least this month is a piece daily, then will be back at taking my time in preparing each piece with more care.

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