
Day 1 - Gargoyle

Very simple, but this is actually the first time that i try my hand at sculpting something complex, and for being the first time and not having graphic tablet or anything like that, the result is acceptable at least to me.

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Day 2 - Scurry

Aaahhh... Low poly scenes are always the safe exit and wildcard for when you don't have an idea of what to do with a difficult prompt.

Day 3 - Bat

He's there, he's looking for you, and he's gonna bash your brains in.

Day 4 - Scallop

Bon appetit!

I was gonna add some sauce to it, but i need to up my shading game first...

Seeing it again the scallop seems a bit dry, the roughness was almost zero but still i couldn't make it look more wet.

Day 6 - Bouquet

Cempasuchitl is a traditional mexican flower, that apart of having a cute orange color, is used as a ceremonial plant during the celebration of Dia de Muertos, Oct 31.

Day 7 - Trip

And boy, i do really wish i could go for a trip far away, like, right now.

Day 8 - Match

"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message"

In retrospective the piece doesn't make too much sense, but it is what it is.

Day 9 - Nest

Before the big cataclysm that wiped the resources of the planet G-3487H, the inhabitants set up a series of orbital refugees to live. "The Nest" is one of them, built in the year 2xx8, currently houses an estimate of 583m people.

Wallpaper version, i like this one a lot because it kinda looks "retro"-ish.

Day 10 - Crabby

This guy always ends up feeling crabby every time the little guys come trying to kill him.

Sorry if the piece is a bit crude, it literally ocurrred to me a couple of hours ago.

Day 11 - Eagle

"Fly like an eagle..."

The flapping animation cycle is a bit "hawkward", didn't had time to refine it further. I animated this just with shape keys, didn't used armature bones.

(had to remove the trees of the forest bc it looked like a pixel soup)

Day 12 - Forget

I...forgot what this prompt was about... i'm gonna go sleep.

Day 13 - Kind

"Be kind..."

Originally i don't like to fo free advertistment to big corpos, but for this i will make an exception... since it doesn't exist anymore.

Postprocesing done in VSDC

Day 14 - Empty

I will agree that this one it's not that great, and borderline simplistic, but my head was literally empty all this day, so this is all what we got.

Day 15 - Armadillo

An armored armadillo. This one was a lot of fun to make because i kept thinking what more details i could add (without making it too saturated)

Day 16 - Fowl

Eevee is still a beast that i don't understand 100% for all kinds of scenes, so this scene didn't came up exactly how i wanted, but i hope you like it regardless.

Day 17 - Salty

Not actually what i was gonna do yesterday, but i realized that i had actually bit more than i could chew, so i had to settle back a bit.

I'm a bit salty about that.

Oh yea, btw the pretzel it's hand painted :comfyxdsweat:

@hideki highlights are very hard because they are so precise and tedious

@BallsackGyroper1488 thanks my brother in christ. At least this month is a piece daily, then will be back at taking my time in preparing each piece with more care.

@hideki really good stuff bro. Feels like an official ad with the sweeping camera. :flan_yea:


Thanks bro! i wanted to make it as close as i could as an authentic 80s ad haha.

@hideki can you add a couple of paper recyling boxes one 4 White the other for Colered ?

A random critique of your artpiece 

Water and the environment is perfect, but the swans are all in the default pose.

I believe, that deforming them slightly individually would make them more believable, while taking about 3 minutes to do.

@LukeAlmighty hah i won't even take advice from someone that can't tell aparte swans and geese :comfyglare:

Haha no but you are right, in fact i was gonna put some of them flying but i wanted to be done with this piece i forgot some things :apensive:

I don't get why did the salt have to go away, but this was so surreal, if I saw this ad in TV, It would be one of the best ones.

@LukeAlmighty in retrospective, it would have been better to make it dissapear in one of those last spins :thonk:

Oh, I've just notised you had streched the salt :omegalul:

Well, it kinda adds to the weirdness. I love it though, because it doesn't feel out of place.

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