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This is cool, i have these two humanoids in Blender, and both react the same to light: depending where the light is, one side gets iluminated and the other gets dark

The cool thing is, that one is a proper model, and the other is a mere image in a plane.

Why is this cool? With this technique you can have things in the background reacting in detail with the ambient light with just a fraction of the geometry needed.

Day 26 - Ego

Like i said some days ago, i think it's better to put out something simple rather than nothing at all.

I would feel bad skipping a day, question of ego i guess.

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Your prompt is gonna be a fucking book if you want to generate an image like this with AI.

Day 25 - Tempting

You are minding your own business, and then these bad boys show up in the table, what do?

It was very nostalgic to do donuts again, and also trying to remember how they were supposed to be made in the first place.

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Day 24 - Fairy

Almost did something unrelated again, but i could think of this at the last moment.

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