I think real art lies exactly in the balance of ideas and skill.
I've seen posted images like "This person recreates this hiper realistic image of an eye with a pencil", and yea, impressive and all but, it's all skill put only in copying one thing with barely any creativity behind it. It's pure skill with no idea behind.
On the other side, if you have the most innovative idea for an image / story / etc, you push some buttons and in record time the AI spits out several near finished projects that mostly resembled what you asked it for, can we call also true artistry of this? Could the person be proud of the final result even if it put very little effort into it?.
I think what makes something a piece of ART is the balance between creative ideas, skillfull interpretation, and the IMPERFECT nature of the human being, the fact that we as humans are imperfect and we aren't gonna pull out perfect things ever is what makes a hadcrafted image/book/song/etc more valuable than just asking a computer to generate it for you, that's IMHO.
@Elfie That depends mostly not only on the technology itself but ton the way that people reacts to the technology itself. Until now there are people who are completely and unvariably against it because technology bad, other people who are just trolling artists on social networks, and coomers who unsurprisingly pushing the technology ahead haha.
That thing about the AI becoming TOO GOOD and taking over the marked is a valid concern, but also i think that people aren't fools and even if we become overrun by AI stuff, people still gonna appreaciate hand crafted things more than the ones produced by a computer. At least it has always been like that in the case of music for example.
@AshChapelsGhost even if an AI can somehow think on ideas on it's own (which maybe it can do now since you can still get kinda concise images even if you leave the prompt box empty), i don't think it would be true art since the images are literally pulled out of thin air. A true piece of art always has artistic craft and skill, even if it's computer-aided using tablets and the likes, but the images do not appear out of the blue thanks to algorythms, so yeah.
@LordMordred Absolutely gorgeous waifu
I've said it before but prompting an image to an AI, for me it's more on the side of engineering rather on the artistic side. Because you can ask an artist to paint exactly the same picture three times, and those three times the image will be different, but in the case of AI, you have the same parameters (prompt, seed, CFG, etc) and you will get the exact same image.
As the last part, are AI images art? My opinion is almost entirely a hard NO. Because it is certain that the person crafting a prompt has to have certain creativity when thinking on an image theme and elements, theres ZERO artistic craft put on the actual images.
@Mr_NutterButter we live in a time where actual dialogue and discourse it's actually VERY difficult to have, and what happens is that one side tries to shoehorn their point of view to the other side so it's gonna be difficult to have an actual discussion about the ethical use and practices of AI and yea, if we don't talk about it now it may be too late (hope it isn't already!)
AI image generation discussion.
All this whole thing about AI image generation it's a very difficult topic for me.
Far from being a black or white case as most people want to make it, for me it's the most of the grayest thing ever, so it's hard for me to stand behind one point of view.
For one part, as someone who is a fan of technology and all it's advances, i think AI image generation is no short of a miracle, and a technology related invention on the part of things of the internet or the very microchip, so it's only natural for me to be interested in this thing and want to experiment with it.
On the other side, as someone who has creative ambitions, i totally understand the feelings of artists who amy feel a little (or a lot) of discomfort with this technology: the fact that it syphons actual art to make images that may appeal to a lot of people. I totally understand the feelings that this technology can be a threat to the lifestyle and ambitions of my artists friends.
And on the other side yea, i think it's kinda scummy and borderline cringe to go around social networks posting AI imagery, bragging about them like they were 100% original creations and people calling themselves "artists" just because they know how to write and arrange words in a text box, when they themselves can't place a straight line in a pieceof paper.
I think there's really nothing to gain from shielding oneself trom a type of technology AND also there's nothing to gain to try to promote a view that tries to force other people to think and act against any of the two sides of this coin. Being all bitter about it just because people cand use it wrong, it can happen with a lot of things so i think the one thing one can do is to be as ethical and concious as possible when using it.
For one thing, you see that i post regularly AI images in this account and in the other, but i try to limit the visibility of it as to not steal away visibility from real artists on the internet, and also try to explicity label it as images created using AI, and as such, i take absolutely no creative rights or authorship about them. It's the least i can do.
And of course, none of this means that i'm stopping doing blender shit, remember that i'm on a holiday and will resume blenderings as soon as the start of next year, i am actually slowly working on a scene that some people have seen and i think it's coming together fine, and have a couple of others planned.
@Loki welcome back my nigga
@Loki yeah i see italians are pretty chill and laid back people and very cheerful, they aren't as embittered as other european countries