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Me pulling up to the Hatsune Miku concert and instantly remembering every gigabyte of hentai I’ve ever seen of her

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Man, i have to experiment still a lot with these options...

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@matrix not sure how true this is, but i've known lot of cases of people who forgets SPANISH.

Then you talk to them and they speak in a weird amalgamation of spanish and english.

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Ok so, i have opened a new account -> @stardust

I will move ALL my NSFW AI posting to this account (INCLUDING lolis), so follow at your own discretion.

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In the late 1700s and 1800s, there was widespread panic about the evils of book-reading, which was described as “an outrage on decency and common sense”. People were concerned that avid novel-readers were ‘addicted’ and were becoming anti-social.

Original tweet :

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Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.