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i wanna see if i can learn to code somethin in Go

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[YASD] (Yet another shitty drawing) - 2H pencil sketch 

:jahy_sweat: yo wtf, this is cleaner then i expected, why i didn't used harder lead sooner???? Its way more neater then usual then i thought using 2H vs using Bs.
:cirno_facepalm: Honest im dumbfounded, I always just go straight to ink and adhoc it. Never expect a simple switch would make an huge difference. Have to buy a pack of 2H pencils and lead.

:jahy_happy: dude @dwite39 thanks for the tip, now i can avoid railroad when inking and not fuck up my drawings.
#art #anime #sketch
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Had doubts about the material of the sidewalk and chose another one.

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Posting images of ero anime girls with shoes to enrage footfags

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