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It's funny how some things when I've been studying foreign languages feel normal that I forgot english doesn't do that.

Example: German, Czech, Polish and other European languages uses „...” as quote marks in place of English "..."

Sometimes I will handwrite „...” when writing in English if I've been working in (or studying) German or Czech the entire day.

@PonyPanda @FrogUniverse I gotta respect the dude who just straight up said 'fuck it, free for everyone" considering Kalmyk is a very endangered language.

@FrogUniverse the virgin "buy my shit" vs the chad "free info for everyone!"

@LukeAlmighty @PonyPanda tl;dr blacks fucked up a penalty kick 3 times. Maybe if they made a goal a pregnant white woman they'd be able to kick it in the target.

Imagine! Gay people reducing the potential men women can choose from and STILL not getting laid, let alone married! The jokes write themselves.

Die alone, wizard.
@locarnta @LukeAlmighty

Me normally: I do not care about soccer
Internet: this is an opportunity to bully the English
Me, becoming a feverent Italy fanboy out of fucking nowhere.

@cowanon @coolboymew it's the fact that it took me a retarded amount of time for me to realize the true meaning of it.

@SuzyCreamcheese @rats @eris @nyx the virgin communist femboys vs the national socialist sexual brotherhood

@coolboymew "you can't have your cake and eat it too!"

"What the fuck else do we do with cake?"

@LukeAlmighty I have many questions but I fear the answers will only anger me

Chinese people drop dead in the streets! We need a vaccine!
Mmm, ok, maybe they don't drop dead, but covid is very dangerous for the elderly, so get vaccinated!
Well, no one is dying *now* but long covid is a thing, you know, get vaccinated!

We went from people literally dropping dead in the streets to long covid that may be bad for kids in the future.

And people welcome more lockdowns.

The experiment was successful.

@SuzyCreamcheese Yeah, and iirc the Röhm purge happened because the SA was getting "scary." A lot of the SA dealings are best summed up as "there's no heterosexual explanation for that."

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