@matrix "I'm Selina Kyle"

I could have sworn her name was Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
@matrix maybe we'll get the conclusion being a court case where the woman was 17 and Bruce was 18 and the parent's weren't happy with the impromptu cost of an abortion so they are suing his pants off (like she did) for RAPING OUR INNOCENT DAUGHTER

@matrix What the duck did I just watch???

Do you know the feeling when you see something, but it takes minutes till you are able to grasp how much you hate it?
Well... this is it.

@matrix @featherFag probably the only ones who thought it wasa good idea

@matrix OK, so, the video has a buffer that won't let it load beyond a certain amount of seconds; but, at the same time, it will play way faster than the buffer can load. Now I'm pissed off at the video contents.

I got throught it at last. So, my question is: why is this?

God loves you and doesn't want you to suffer while watching the video

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