
People melt over smartphone designs, manufacturers sacrifice features just to get that the phone one millimeter thinner and then people just put them into ugly ass 5 dollar cases that make the phone twice as thick.

@matrix Had a super thin version of a phone model, no case, soo uncomfortable to hold
@NPC @matrix some companies don't put a grippy coating on the glass. my Motorola had no such coating and it felt like a bar of soap. It came with a clear case because of that lmao.
@matrix too thin mobiles are just discomfortable to use. I don't know why this is still a thing.
Slimmer and bigger phones are just a way of life for the normalfag.
If thicc phones are a must, why not just stick with a classic rotary?

@camedei456 @matrix They're too stupid to understand anything else about technology, so the only ways they can measure how good a phone is is by its thinness, its screen size, and its price tag.

@Galena @camedei456 @matrix
Me: I just want a fast phone without camera

Brand: Did you say thin with 2 cameras?

Me: no, I want no camera, or in worst case one with a hardware lit.

Brand: did you say 3 cameras?

Me: no, I said....

Brand: ok, last offer 4 front cameras and 2 cameras always always pointing at your face...


@camedei456 @matrix i have a 6.2 inch phone. Feels small because long screen. I can easily one hand it for the most part because of that. It has the whole punch notch which imo is better than the cutout notch
@camedei456 @matrix doesn't have a headphone jack, which doesn't bother me because I either use Bluetooth or use a dongle anyways because built in phone dacs are shit for headphones for some reason.
@camedei456 @matrix i can play GameCube on my phone and I do it all the time.
@matrix I don't use a phone case for just this reason.
@matrix I just use a clear case. I got the color because it looked nice, I'm not gonna waste it.
@matrix ycou have to keep buying clear cases because they look like you coomed on them after a while

@matrix I just hate most of the modern design tendencies, like non removable battery and lack of p2 jack.

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