@matrix This test conflates believing in strong leaders (plural) with strongman leader (singular) in a poor way.
@matrix a test with such a strongly predefined outcome can never not suck
@cereal @matrix It's actually based. Have you ever seen one of these shaped like a circle? Best shape
@r000t @VD15 @matrix @realDonaldTrump well, 13% nazi. Now take another 4-7 tests and we'll find out.

You have 2 options... Either:
A) You spend the rest of your entire life in prison among morderers, maniacs and gangsters...

B) You get a painful wound once

How the fuck do these people think that the B is worse?

@LukeAlmighty @matrix "As the new head of the FBI, I vow to tackle this dark cabal of special interest groups".

*phone vibrates; checks phone*

"On second thought, there's a bigger threat to our nation's security in the form of White supremacy."
@LukeAlmighty @matrix The shadow government has done an investigation into the shadow government and found the shadow government not guilty of any wrongdoing
@matrix I did the test. This is terrible and it's clearly made by libshit faggots. For starters, you get a disclaimer about the spooky subject of fascism and how it might offend some people.

Then, a lot of the questions (maybe most, just to not say "all") are related to natural law- i.e.: man's attitude and relationship with the laws of nature- rather than strict fascist doctrine, which includes some of that when it talks about the need for a strong leader and control over the market. In other words, this is the fascism libshits refer to when they accuse someone of being fascist.

"Am I not allowed to be the most grotesque and degenerate warped projection of a human being possible? That's fascism!"

Also, there are a lot of assumptions in the questions, as is usual with these tests.

That being said,

69 👌

Obviously the "strong leader" questions were total bullshit.

Quiz: Is the perfect leader perfect???

Me: Yes??? By definition?

Same for the "rebirth myth"

@matrix The ones I received significant scores in generally aren't inherently fascist traits. The "rebirth myth" could be applied to any radical ideology, and denunciation of enemies is something almost every ideology does, including all mainstream political parties.

@galena Yeah, it's not best test, but it's not the worst one

That's the fun part... The anti-fascists are just fascists that want to install *their* thing.

@galena @matrix And you're really low on stuff like free speech suppression that would actually qualify as bad things related to fascism.
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