@matrix it's pretty obvious whoever made this was in the bottom left quadrant.
@cowanon @matrix at least one person filled this out in a readable way

I have a few moderately auth-center positions, but I definitely lean libertarian.

I also consider myself a left-leaner, but because I support all personal freedoms that don't harm others, I always end up lib-center on the compass

@Kiteruguma @matrix @Charfuhrer
Sadly, I get it. Although, he's changing the culture and pushing colonization almost single handedly, sometimes, he just outright scams people.

I guess he's collecting money from idiots to finish the 1 project that realy matters, even if by immoral means.

@matrix Tanks in "tanks are cool af" refers to literal tanks or tankies communists?

@matrix Because deporting them to Madagascar was going to be funnier

@xianc78 @matrix
Let's say it is hard one to evaluate correctly.

Especially considering, how the recent peaceful protestsplayed out...

I am at the point, where I can clearly see the HUGE disadvantages of both options, but don't see an alternative for now.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix If you want to stick to your libertarian/ancap principles it should be "All government cops are bastards". Mall cops and other forms of private security are okay.

@xianc78 @matrix
Thanks for an advice, but I don't think that it would solve anything.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix It means no more cops that prevent you from doing things on your own property. The ACAB crowd hates cops because they view them as obstacles in abolishing capitalism and private property when in reality, the opposite is true.

@xianc78 @matrix
Yeah. My problem is purely that although I have seen what government does with their guards, I do NOT want to see what would Google do, if they got the same oportunity.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Well, that depends on what will happen to Google when there is no more government to subsidize them and use them for their various surveillance programs. There is plenty of evidence that Google itself was created by the government.


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