@applejack Because I thought shrinking and moving a 10tb partition was a smart idea

@matrix At least you fixed it. Whenever my servers nigger up I just reset everything

@applejack Technically nothing broke. I just underestimated how long it would take by a factor of around 100x

@r000t I wanted to shrink and move a 10tb partition several times while moving the files from it to a new one on the same drive.
I was running out of space and haven't setup lvm beforehand

@LukeAlmighty @matrix @pomstan doesn't minio's erasure coding let you use multiple drives? Which I assume is the reason you wanted lvm

@lewdthewides @LukeAlmighty @pomstan Yes, but it's 4 at minimum and it splits the files into chunks between the drives which makes it quite resource heavy

Nice dude. Took forever but glad you’re finally back

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