
Bruce listening to to the Shehulk about how difficult it is to be a woman

@alyx @matrix
I skipped 3 shows in a row already, so it's time to look if they're fixing it already.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix
They're not. As long as they continue with the "you're racist/sexist if you don't like X" marketing, you can be sure the X show/movie is woke garbage.

@alyx @matrix
ok, mow without sarcasm.
I skipped hawkeye, moon knight ane even miss marvel because they all seemed like a normal woke garbage.

This one I believe will go that one step further into the trainwreck category.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix
I've skipped all MCU shows, and haven't watched any of the movies after Spider-Man Far From Home, with the exception of No Way Home. I've also ignored Black Panther and Captain Marvel.

@alyx @matrix @LukeAlmighty The only entertainment value to be had is going to be the dozens of YouTube videos of people trashing this garbage.
>tfw she's better at you in everything
>even in tests of physical strength
>tfw they call this a comedy

@fuxoft @matrix
What level of horror do would you describe, when someone is talking to you about your job?

Because that was the example given in the show.

@fuxoft @matrix
I found a comment, that sums it up pretty well:
Ah yes, she definitely had it worse than the guy whose father killed his mother in front of him when he was a child, being chased around the country by the military like a dog for things out of his control, constantly getting involved in fights he didn't want to be in, facing death multiple times, had the woman he loved die, feeling guilty for not being able to stop a genocidal maniac, and losing some of his friends to him. But sure, some spoiled bitch not slapping some guys is better in anger control than a guy who had tutoring from a Tai Chi master.

I know, that this is most likely "same as in comic", but hulk was a curse.
1) It could happen any time.
2) It had mind of it's own
3) It caused unlimited carnage
4) everyone blamed you
5) you couldn't even kill yourself

Yet, the character called "she hulk" has literally 0 problems. It is a pure blessing.

So, why should I care even remotely as much about her?

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