


@matrix >race doesn't exist
>we just compartmentalized parts of it into discrete units that, if combined, constitute "race" but we don't want to call it that
@matrix experts are always jewish. im glad that I as a layman can continue my prejudice through antisemitism and racism.
@matrix That is the desired outcome of the double-speak: to drive you mad and provoke you into unwise action that tptb will stomp on with the full weight of the state
@Moon @matrix the scientific method is a social construct. the peaceful transition of power is also a social construct
@Moon @matrix
race is "not genetic" in the same way being a basketball player is "not genetic"

basketball players do mostly share certain phenotypic traits, but these traits come from divergent germ lines (ignore here that professionals will be more one-off mutants and think of the just normally tall amateur level instead). in the same way, africa has more genetic diversity than any other continent, but put someone from there in the us and people will think "oh, you're black". or take someone from australia before the euros show up and that would be seen as "black" as well. and even if being tall does make people on the bus ask "hey, do you play basketball?" (or, for me, volleyball), that person's assumption doesn't actually make you such sport player. what sport you play is also culturally mediated. you might have an associated phenotype, but if basketball is totally uncool among your family and friends you'll probably do something else instead, and vice-versa. and different countries, or regions, have different sports making up the local zeitgeist. go somewhere no one plays basketball and the assumptions about what sport you must play will change


- inherited characteristics as in phenotypes, which tend to cluster but don't neatly map to certain distinct genetic lineages
- there is a "my own experience" component and a "other's perception" component
- both of these component vary depending on what country or region you happen to be in; there's no global universal (though global-scale cultural exchange has homogenised things somewhat
@Moon @matrix
gosh, i wish, honestly; always seemed so fun. ended up soccer instead, though, where tall meant relegated to sub for defence ._.
@Moon @ageha @matrix did you guys ever play Slammin' D Ball? It was a random Gamestop pickup for my family when I was a teen and we ended up playing the fuck out of it
@olmitch @matrix @Moon
oh, this looks so fun actually. was more megaman soccer here but
@ageha @matrix @Moon It was fun and unique, especially for the US market. It was basically the only 2d game I'd seen on PSX which wasn't a Mega Man title.
@matrix The "expert" is most likely a lying jew or a self-interested nigger / other diversity hire, or possibly a White libtard thoroughly indoctrinated in doublethink (or who just knows what gets rewarded vs. punished).
the idiocracy trend will continue until its practitioners can no longer remember to breathe
@matrix this is very anti-RCTA and extremely bigoted.

@matrix AND cultural traditions, they should have emphasized that as their point. They're saying it's not solely genetic, but is a combination of genes and culture. But this is redefining the term "race", according to them a white baby raised by asians is racially asian, as well as racially white. Asian because of culture, white because of genes.

Race is genetic, the terms we use to describe it are cultural. This is the same argument about sex, just because cultural ideas about sexes differ does not make physical sex a "social construct". Race is biologically, terms like "white" or "black" are cultural. Some Latinos see themselves "white" while others, see themselves as "black". But biologically their ancestors were Spaniards and Native South Americans.
"Black is White but also black and White are not the same."

Wtf 😒
@matrix And don't forget, genetics don't determine gender, but tranny GENOcide is totally real.

@matrix They're probably not wrong. Though I don't see what difference it makes. People of different lineages have different genetic traits so any genetic traits attributed to a race still apply regardless of how you want to actually group people. Seems like a waste of time to try and change an established system. Especially considering the amount of difficult progress made by our ancestors toward race equality. Seems like a huge disservice to them.

@matrix Oh, that's the college I go to. They have e-mailed me many hit articles such as one saying that anti-white racism doesn't exist, and I have been told that I should be killed for being white as part of a class discussion. One of the professors even introduced herself as a colonist who has stolen indigenous land. They don't give a fuck if you're white and I've been told by faculty that I'm born racist. So fuck that place, I just want the paper that says I went to college and to leave this God-forsaken state.

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