Gameplay - bland
Story - bland outside of the main line. Most sidequests are just shooting galleries. Although, some missions do expand on characters.
Graphics - HOLY FUCK

I guess, I'm just salty, that it claims to be an RPG, but there is no chance for roleplay. The world feels way too empty to me.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix it's basically an RPG in leveling mechanics only. there is very little actual roleplay going on. that seems to be the trend that's been going on with these open world games over the past 10 years.

i did like the gameplay a lot, actually, and i played it at launch. but, i had a melee/katana build, so maybe that affected my enjoyment of it as opposed to doing a netrunner or shooter build.


@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy Hacker is more difficult now because most quick hacks are now traceable.

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