This is just fucking perfect. :pepelol:
These are the proper usecases for AI.

@Dicey @matrix well yeah, it's just that there's nobody like that here
@grips @matrix it's actually my uncle in his mid 60s removing the American politics stuff
@grips @matrix It misspelled baest even though I typed in "baest"
@matrix >just socially inept
I thought that's what being an introvert was
@matrix the thing with mass generation (AI or not) means you run through it until it gets old pretty quickly the fediverse is for cute fox women with large asses anything else is just fluff

@matrix first name last names have been a plague on this network
>It's not a black box I swear
"Most of them don't know how the AI actually does it's work"
-Hal Abelson

@matrix the bot censors by not accepting "jews" or "moslems", but has no trouble accepting "muslims" and "christians" or "zionists" and "jooz" for some odd reason

also entering personalities seems to give funnier results than broad groups

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