Leftists seem to have successfully managed to memoryhole that they were the ones freaking out about a chick with a dick in Cyberpunk
@matrix i seem to remember thequartering freaking out about it too but i can't remember that far back
@beardalaxy possible, but rightoids mostly complained about Claire and it was fairly overshadowed
@matrix whatever it was that he was sperging out about, it's what made me stop watching him lol. I usually remember impressions more than details.
@beardalaxy that's everyone
@beardalaxy @matrix It was kinda both, trannies were like "no don't show us as degenerate perverts take us serious!!! (gawkgawks dragon dildo)" and I remember righties were all "get that degenerate perversion out of this... corpo-sexploitative dystopian setting!!!"
Also though lefties were DEFINITELY freaking out about the naked cyborg chick in the first teaser trailer for the years before anyone even knew what the game was gonna be
@matrix did they freak out because it was technically not (((lore accurate))) or was that the other side
@k1tteh Lefties were screeching about sexualization and some rightoids were screeching about degeneracy
@matrix how, claire wasn't even romanceable
Sexualization was about the poster of a girl with Mr. Stud.
To transphobes, simply trans characters existing is bad even if it makes sense.
One critique of Claire I saw that is sorta reasonable though is that the game tries to frame her in sympathetic light even though she's very bloodthirsty.
@matrix oh yeah i remember now