@j @LukeAlmighty They are pickup points for packages. They have lockers you open and get your package. This company needs an app, but other ones have a keypad for typing in your package.

it would be really weird if you could change the constitution by just changing the legal definition of words in the constitution but we have done it multiple times

@pomstan @grips @Tadg_macNuadat I just explained how. Romanians are south east Europeans. Gypsies are old jeets.

@LukeAlmighty Definitely, it's miles better for both consumers and delivery companies.
Yeah, there's very little she can do about it so she just bitches everywhere.

@Tadg_macNuadat No, Romanians are a mixture of several groups from antiquity, while gypsies came to Europe from India somewhere between 10th-12th century. It's just that Romania has a decently large gypsy minority plus there's definitely some mixing.

@LukeAlmighty She fucking retarded. Some places are indeed not suited for the boxes but she pick the most retarded places ever to fight over

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