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@matrix Daily reminder that the size of the breasts does not correlate at all with milk production capacity, so even small breast can turn out to produce a bountiful harvest of nourishing milk.

Many hospitals take milk donations and redistribute them to newborns whose mothers can't produce enough sustenance for them. The university hospital near me seems to pay 30€/liter for pure breast milk from the mother of a newborn (less than 3 months old).

Remember: Breast milk is ALWAYS the best nourishment for a baby!

We interrupt this .... whatever, to bring you an important public announcement:
MattPat, aka the Game Theory/Film Theory/Food Theory guy has hired non-other than the human blob known as Moviebob on his writing team.
Do what you want with this information.

Proof attached, just in case you don't believe me.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.