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They made another McDonald's Japan anime-style commercial.
>tfw can't go back to hanging out with the boys with no responsibilities on a summer afternoon/evening with no care about jobs, or adult responsibilities. :pepepains:

Remember: they hate "work from home" because that way they don't get $$$ for their big offices, this would cause the corporate real estate market to collapse.

Here's an actual idea: make it fucking housing so people maybe won't have to pay shitfuck money for a studio apartment

TLDR: The new Call of Duty game will use AI to provide real time voice chat moderation.

Codbros, it's over :jahy_pain:

WEF propaganda snuck into my anime? Its more likely than you think.

>people are talking about Japan's birthrate again

It's with profound sorrow I announce the (((journalists))) are at it again.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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